The Weekly Update for September 7, 2018
SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Boosting small business demands big ideas According to an article in , there are 28 million small businesses in America, and Defense Contract Management Agency’s small business team wants as many of them as possible to join the defense industrial base. “Our mission is to provide small business support to our defense and government customers by ensuring subcontracting compliance and optimizing subcontracting opportunities,” said Tatia Evelyn-Bellamy, the director of DCMA’s Small Business Office and Small Business Compliance . . . Read More
The Weekly Update for August 24, 2018
FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATIONS Federal Acquisition Regulation; Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors The Department of Defense (DoD), General Services Administration (GSA), and NASA are adopting as final, without change, an interim rule amending the FAR to implement the Executive Order, Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors. The interim rule also implemented a final rule issued by the Department of Labor. 83 Fed. Reg. 163, 42569 . Federal Acquisition Regulation: Non-Retaliation for Disclosure of Compensation Information The DoD, GSA, and NASA adopted as final, without . . . Read More
The Weekly Update for August 17, 2018
SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Small Business Size Regulations: Correction SBA revised the entry for NAICS code 336999 under Subsector 336 with the addition of “All Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing” under the NAICS’ U.S. industry title and “1,000” under Size Standards for number of employees. 83 Fed. Reg 159, 40660 . GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation; Federal Supply Schedule, Order-Level Materials; Technical Amendment GSA is amending the General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation to clarify the text regarding the application of the threshold for order-level . . . Read More
The Weekly Update for August, 3, 2018
SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Surety Bond Guarantee Program Fees This document announces a temporary decrease in the guarantee fees that the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) charges all Surety companies and Principals on each guaranteed bond (other than a bid bond) issued in SBA’s Surety Bond Guarantee Program. 83 Fed. Reg. 146, 36658 Contracting with Small Disadvantaged Businesses and Those Owned by Minorities and Women Has Increased in Recent Years According to an article on , the federal government is one of the country’s largest advertisers, . . . Read More
The Weekly Update for July 20, 2018
SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 504 Loan Program Rural Initiative: Waiver of Limitation on Lending Authority According to an article in , the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced the 504 Loan Program Rural Initiative Pilot Program (504 Rural Pilot). The 504 Rural Pilot waives the restrictions on the authority of Certified Development Companies (CDCs) to make 504 loans outside their Area of Operations to allow each CDC to make loans for 504 Projects with an address located in any rural county . . . Read More
The Weekly Update for July 13, 2018
DEFENSE DEPARTMENT To Streamline Acquisitions, 809 Panel Presses Department of Defense to Adopt Portfolio Management According to an article on , the congressionally-mandated panel in charge of finding ways to streamline the Defense acquisition system called on June 28, 2018 for dramatic changes in how DoD organizes itself to define requirements for weapons systems and manage its procurement budgets, saying DoD must move to a “portfolio-centric” approach to procuring military equipment. In the second volume of its report to Congress, . . . Read More
The Weekly Update for June 29, 2018
DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Federal Acquisition Regulation: Special Emergency Procurement Authority The Department of Defense, General Service Administration, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration are proposing to amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation to implement sections of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to expand special emergency procurement authorities for acquisitions of supplies or services that facilitate defense against or recovery from cyber attack, provide international disaster assistance under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, or support response to an . . . Read More
The Weekly Update for June 22, 2018
GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING White House Proposes a Massive Reorganization of Federal Agencies According to an article in , the Trump administration on Thursday released a blueprint for a massive overhaul of the federal bureaucracy, one that if implemented would touch virtually every agency and the way all Americans receive government services. “This effort, along with the recent executive orders on federal unions, are the biggest pieces so far of our plan to drain the swamp,” said Office of Management and . . . Read More
The Weekly Update for June 15, 2018
CAPITOL HILL Vets First? An Examination of VA’s Resources for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses On June 7, 2018, the House Committee on Small Business Subcommittee on Investigations, Oversight, and Regulations (“Subcommittee”) held a hearing to examine the resources of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (“VA”) for veteran-owned small businesses (“VOSB”), specifically the Veterans First Contracting Program (“Vets First”). The Subcommittee invited testimony from the National Veteran Small Business Coalition, the American Legion, and two service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses (“SDVOSB”). At . . . Read More
The Weekly Update for June 8, 2018
SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Small Business HUBZone Program and Government Contracting Programs and Consolidation of Mentor-Protégé Programs The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announces that it is holding tribal consultation meetings in Albuquerque, New Mexico and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, concerning the regulations governing the 8(a) Business Development and all Small Mentor-Protégé programs and the HUBZone program. SBA seeks to reduce unnecessary or excessive regulatory burdens in those programs and to make them more attractive to procuring agencies and small businesses. Testimony . . . Read More