In this episode of Public Contracting Institute’s Practical Matters GovCon Podcast, PilieroMazza’s Nichole Atallah discusses “Understanding and Complying with DOL’s Revised Independent Contractor Rule.” Visit this link to access the podcast.

The revised independent contractor rule affects how government contractors classify workers. The rule describes how the Department of Labor will evaluate whether a worker is an independent contractor or an employee and reverts to a multi-factor test the agency used prior to the Trump Administration. The key factors include the nature and degree of control over the work, the worker’s opportunity for profit or loss, and the degree of skill required to perform the work.

Government contractors should carefully assess their relationships with workers to ensure compliance with the rule. Misclassification can have legal and financial consequences, including penalties and back wages. By accurately classifying workers, contractors can mitigate risks and ensure compliance with labor laws.

About Nichole Atallah

Nichole is a partner in PilieroMazza’s Labor & Employment Group where she counsels employers and their compliance professionals on a broad range of labor and employment matters, including employment discrimination, wage and hour, family and medical leave, labor union negotiations and grievances, executive compensation, and reductions in force. Nichole’s primary goal in representing employers is to help guide them through difficult situations, proactively address compliance, and avoid costly disputes. Read more here.