Recent Developments for the VA’s Veterans First Program

This Client Alert details two recent developments for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Veterans First Program. Last month, the Government Accountability Office released a report detailing its examination of the VA’s verification process for VOSBs and SDVOSBs. A few weeks later, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims issued its decision in KWV, Inc. v. United States, a case that dealt with a conflict between the VA’s verification process and a post-award VOSB protest determination, as well as a veteran’s . . . Read More

FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act: Impacts on Small Business Government Contracting

On January 3, 2012, the U.S. Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (“NDAA”). While the NDAA covers many issues relevant to the government contracting community at large, it also includes new, noteworthy amendments to the Small Business Act. The 2013 NDAA provides some significant changes to small business government contracting. Most importantly, the rule governing limitations on subcontracting has been revised. The new rule implements two substantive changes. First, for services contracts, the new limitation . . . Read More